Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has responded to the summons issued by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the alleged liquor scam in Delhi. He stated that these summons, like the previous ones, are also illegal and politically motivated. Kejriwal insisted that the ED should withdraw these summons.
Furthermore, he mentioned that he has nothing to hide, and he is ready to comply with any legal summons. Kejriwal emphasized that he has lived his life with honesty and transparency.
CM Arvind Kejriwal will not be present before the ED on Wednesday as he has embarked on a 10-day Vipassana course. While the specific city where he is attending the course has not been disclosed, it was initially planned for Tuesday, but due to the India Alliance meeting, it got postponed for a day.
The ED had summoned Kejriwal for questioning in the liquor scam on Monday. His lawyers have not commented on the ED notice yet, but it is likely that he will present himself before the ED on Thursday.
Sources suggest that after consulting with lawyers, Kejriwal has chosen to go for Vipassana instead of appearing before the ED. Lawyers have reportedly found some discrepancies in the ED summons, and there is a possibility that these will be disclosed on Thursday.
The Aam Aadmi Party had raised concerns about the ED’s actions, stating that the party’s lawyers are reviewing the summons, and appropriate legal steps will be taken. Party leaders also mentioned that Kejriwal’s schedule for Vipassana was pre-planned and publicly known.
This is not the first time Kejriwal has faced ED’s summons. In October, ED issued a summons in this case, and in November, he was sought after. However, during that time, he did not appear before the ED, citing his busy schedule in various state assembly election campaigns. On November 2, his lawyers gave a non-compliance agreement to the ED summons.